august 0: Why?

In Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, the author (a professor) recounts a tale about one of his students. This student, the tale goes, was dilligent and hardworking, but lacked creativity. She had an assignment to write 500 words about the United States, but could think of nothing to say. The professor suggested narrowing … Continue reading august 0: Why?

Every Taylor Swift album, comprehensively and controversially ranked

Everyone thinks that her old stuff’s better, or that she peaked at Red. Those are valid (albeit basic and well-worn) opinions, but I can’t agree. I expect I’ll find it very difficult to write this post, because for me, all her albums represent something different. Her story, as far as it is known to the … Continue reading Every Taylor Swift album, comprehensively and controversially ranked

Lockdown Rediscovery: Troye Sivan – Blue Neighbourhood (2015)

Troye Sivan’s debut album, Blue Neighbourhood, was released in 2015, so it’s likely to be one of the most recent albums I cover in the Lockdown Rediscovery series. Apart from anything, with albums more recent than that, I can’t really consider myself to have rediscovered them, because I never lost them in the first place. … Continue reading Lockdown Rediscovery: Troye Sivan – Blue Neighbourhood (2015)