august 0: Why?

In Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, the author (a professor) recounts a tale about one of his students. This student, the tale goes, was dilligent and hardworking, but lacked creativity. She had an assignment to write 500 words about the United States, but could think of nothing to say. The professor suggested narrowing … Continue reading august 0: Why?

Like Buses

“Wake up babe, new heuristic just dropped.” Everything in life is like buses, except buses, which are like trains. If you’ve ever waited ages for a bus, only to find that when one arrives, it is immediately followed by another, identical bus: congratulations, you have had the single human experience from which the rest of … Continue reading Like Buses


This isn’t a travel blog. It’s a fashion blog. Or at least, I like to pretend (to myself, more than anyone else) that it’s a fashion blog. Yet somehow, it’s getting a travel post before a fashion post. Which is especially curious given that I’ve only left St Andrews on four occasions in the past … Continue reading Lisbon